Monday, November 3, 2008

The Musical Instruments Museum

THIS PLAYER PIANO HAD "WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR IN IT"!!!!! SWEET!!!!! Okay, so technically today I went to the Bird and Flower Park BUT since I never posted the pics from the Hamamatsu Musical Instruments Museum I wanted to do that first (since I did it... 1 or 2 weekends ago??? I can't be sure exactly... time FLIES here!!)

Since Gary and I love music (and, in turn, instruments) he was kind enough to take me to the Hamamatsu Musical Instrument Museum. There were HUNDREDS of instruments on display (some of them GORGEOUSLY, SUMPTUOUSLY painted or carved!) and even a room where we could try out instruments from around the world! SO FUN!! Enjoy the pictures!!


Nick said...

you're so classy

Sara said...

and talented! don't forget, she's also talented! lol looks like fun. can't wait to see pics from the bird and flower park. :)