After a grueling schedule of arriving in Japan yesterday, two full days of training, and trying to maneuver the city buses by himself, Wendell arrived in Hamamatsu tonight. What a trooper, not only did he come to work and meet some students, but he stuck around until we closed, even making a poster for the lobby! After work I told Kashima I would get her into the city (a 20 minute walk + 10 minute train ride one way) to her hotel (as she was staying in Wendell's apartment until he came in) and what a nice guy, he offered to walk with us. Mike (my Area Leader and Ai's temporary replacement) came with us too but he rode his bike away from us the whole way. I think he just wanted someone to tell him how to get to the station, where he left us. =D Ah, well!
So from the two hour adventure, I'd say he seems pretty funny. We all quoted Scrubs a lot and I decided to push him in the shopping cart that we borrowed from the mall on the way home. It was pretty funny. I'm glad we have someone genki here so I don't go insane when Kashima leaves on Saturday! Holla! P.s. He's a bit taller than he looks in the cart, and he's eating sushi. I called it an "incart meal"... like "inflight meal." Get it? =D
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