Sunday, February 8, 2009

Old Boy, Atta Boy, Whatta Boy, BIG BOY!!!!

One of my favorite things about Japanese women is that they're super thin but most of them
can eat like it's nobody's business!
Miharu suggested an Italian restaurant for lunch today called Cafe Tartaruga.
What she didn't tell me is it's the most kick-butt buffet EVER!!!
I had the yummiest Margarita mini-pizza, some seafood alfredo, a plethora of healthy (and not so healthy) appetizers, and a massize sundae for dessert that consisted of melon, strawberry, banana, and chocolate ice cream. It was AMAZING!!! (Why don't Americans have honeydew flavored ice cream? It rocks!!) And the best part? She kept up with me every step of the way! PARTY!!

Anyhoo, as we're driving home I glance at a restuarant that has tons of Japanese banners out front. I don't realize exactly what I'm seeing until this clicks in my brain:

OMG! It's Frisch's BIG BOY!!!!
I haven't seen one of these since visiting Grandma all those times in Ohio!!
This is sooo freakin' awesome for me!! =D


So that's really all this blog was supposed to be about. =D
But, as usual, I got side-tracked when food was mentioned.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I love that Japan has Big Boy. There's one in Takasaki too - I actually did a double-take when I saw it from the train!
Haven't heard from you in a while - hope you're doing alright! :)