So this is an entry about toilets. Trust me though, you may be jealous by the end of it, LOL!
I should start by saying a lotttttt of places still only have squatters (including the gaijin bar I went to for New Years) and they're not super fun but many Japanese people think they are the safest/healthiest since you're not sitting on a seat with a bunch of strangers. My apartment has a western-style toilet, yay!! And the MALL has these amazing high tech toilets! Look at these suckers:
So what are allll the buttons on the left? Allow me to explain: The seats at the mall are very cushy and they have heaters in them (not pictured here). This may sound weird but my tush was lovin' the cush of the tush! There are buttons for two different styles of "bidet" features (including pressure of the water), a MUSIC button for people with shy bladders, and then my favorite: a fake flushing sound button that sounds NOTHING like real flushing. Hysterical!! I've only heard people with shy bladders use this button to cover the sounds they make, never the music button. It's too bad really, I'd like to hear it but am afraid I would pass out laughing. I already laugh every time I heard the fake flush because it sounds sooooo bad! =D
I think I covered everything... Did I miss anything, guys?
With that interesting peek into some Japanese technology, I bid you a "good day!" =D
I tried out the bidet one time (not on myself) and that water pressure is pretty intense. I fear for anyone's parts if they want to use it.
bidets could be dangerous weapons in the wrong hands.
personally, I think heated toilets are the best things ever invented and there's not a morning goes by that I wish I had one. the music and fake flush is a new one for me though. I guess Isesaki is too country to have such luxuries! ;)
hahahahahaha aww..(catching breath) ya know mebbe we are a little to liberal with our toilet activities over here. perhaps we need to be more courteous to others that might be overhearing our bodily process. :D
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